About Us
Kaviyattu College of Education, an affiliated college under University of Kerala is situated at Pirappancode, a rural hamlet in the Manical Panchayat of Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala.
This college was established in the year 2006 and approved by National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE). This college aims to extend its service to students of all communities who aspire to be a Teacher.
Kaviyattu College of Education was started in 2006 by Late Kaviyattu Madhavankutty with a vision of throwing open the portals of professional education to prospective teachers irrespective of their caste, creed, and gender. He was a firm believer of Sree Narayana Guru, the social reformer who advocated that education alone can ensure the development of an individual, a society and a nation.
As advocated by Sree Narayana Guru, we believe that a peaceful and prosperous society could be developed only through good education. Hence our college aims to produce teachers who possess academic excellence and at the same time are competent and good human. Emphasis is also laid on making them understand the need of the child. Inculcating of leadership qualities and effective communication skills are also the objectives of our institution.

Late. Kaviyattu Madhavankutty
Founder Manager
Kaviyattu Educational and Charitable Trust
Kaviyattu College of Education is a self financing college, wholly managed and owned by Kaviyattu Educational and Charitable Trust, since 2006. The Trust has a long tradition of years, imparting education and also proactively participating in charity activities in rural area towards uplifting the backward class of society.
Trust No
Email ID
: 364/IV/99
: 31/07/1999
: K.Madhavankutty
: +91 9447158398
: P.G. Thankamma
: 9447158399, 0472 2583909
: Kaviyattu Bungalow, Pirappancode PO,
Thiruvanthapuram – 695607, Kerala, India.
: 0472 2582099

Smt. Thankamma P G
Kaviyattu College of Education

Shri. Rahul Prakasam
Kaviyattu College of Education

Smt. Soorya Gurudev
Managing Trustee
Kaviyattu College of Education